Gum Tree Removal in Kingsford
Wolf Trees & Gardens were tasked to remove a Lemon scented gum (Corymbia Citriodora) from a home in Kingsford. The removal was complex, as the tree was in a tight location which required access to the neighbour’s property for the majority of the rigging and removal.

Palm Tree Removal in Jannali
Wolf Trees & Gardens removed a Cocos palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana)from a home in Jannali. Due to the location of the palm, within two metres of buildings and fences, each piece had to be lowered with ropes.

Gum Tree Removal in Miranda
While they are incredibly beautiful and quintessentially Australian, the Grey gum (Eucalyptus punctata), can become a hazard as they age. This Grey gum located in Miranda required a team of five men to conduct its removal. Four men were required on the ground to keep up with the substantial amount of wood coming down from the climber. Between the tree site and the chipper were approximately 70 stairs and several metres drag making the removal more complex.

Installing Sonar Box in Caringbah
Wolf Trees & Gardens were contracted by Camellia gardens in Caringbah to deal with a fruit bat problem. The Box elder (Acer negundo) had become infested with the bats. Wolf Trees & Gardens installed a Sonar box and sprinkler system combination which is designed to move bats away to neighbouring trees. We conducted the installation during daylight hours meaning our team also had to look out for falling bat droppings and pedestrians walking around the gardens below.

Norfolk Island Pine Removal in Hurstville
This beautiful Norfolk Island pine tree, (Araucaria heterophylla),located at a home in Hurstville required a complex removal. As with many homes, there was close proximity to powerlines. The team was required to use a crown lift in order to leave enough clearance between the tree and the powerlines. Our team carefully removed the lower limbs in small pieces to avoid collision with lines, before removing the remainder of the limbs and trunk.

Gum Tree Removal in Blakehurst
Wolf Trees & Gardens knows what it takes to build and maintain a beautiful garden and we are committed to preserving our client’s property and surroundings.
This home in Blakehurst required the removal of a Lemon scented gum (Corymbia Citriodora)which towered above some very intricate garden beds. So as not to damage the garden we made a crash pad out of the canopy branches to safely throw the logs onto.

Hedging in Neutral Bay
Talk about a stunning view, this Leyland Cypress (Leylandii) hedging/topping in Neutral Bay is one of our repeat customers. The annual pruning is kept up to enhance the beautiful view. This job is a complex one as the trees available to anchor from are skinny and difficult to climb. The tips are quite thin with no decent anchor point for our climbing ropes.
In situations like this, it is essential to use a professional and skilled arborist.

Blackbutt Tree Removal in Gymea
Wolf Trees & Gardens were tasked with this complex removal of a Blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis) in Gymea. A seven-man team was required for the complex job as the tree was located at the top of a driveway which was unfortunately too steep for our truck to drive up. The team loaded the debris into a ute and trailer to drive each load down to the chipper at the bottom of the driveway.

Rough Barked Apple Tree Pruning in Gymea
This Rough barked apple tree (Angophora floribunda) in Gymea had tricky rigging, requiring pruning and dead wood removal around tight building clearance.

Paperbark Tree Pruning in Balmain
Wolf Trees & Gardens were tasked with the upkeep of this beautiful Paperbark (Melaleuca quinquenervia) in Balmain. The residents used selective pruning to enhance their view. The location was a small courtyard which meant that the team had to carefully lower and remove debris through the inside of the property out to the truck on the street.